Canada’s great stain
In Canada, September 30th marks what has been named the, “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.” According to our Federal Government’s own website, “The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.” This day is now a federal statutory holiday.
This day is also known as, “Orange Shirt Day,” where Canadians are encouraged to wear orange shirts, fly orange flags, and don pretty much anything orange to mark the day. The day has also been tied to the slogan, “Every Child Matters,” purporting to remember the estimated hundreds and thousands of children who were supposedly mistreated and left to die senseless deaths in residential schools.
Once again, according to our Federal Government, “The orange shirt is a symbol of the stripping away of culture, freedom and self-esteem experienced by Indigenous children over generations.” The mistreatment of Indigenous people is Canada’s great sin – it’s our chattel slavery – and the “Every Child Matters” slogan is Canada’s version of “Black Lives Matter.” Canadians have been told to feel deep shame and guilt for our nation’s past sins against Indigenous people, and Truth and Reconciliation Day is one of the ways we can atone for our sins at least once a year.
The great orange hoax
Apparently, in dozens of sites across our country, thousands of children were allegedly buried in mass graves at what were once residential schools. This allegation is based on – and I’m not making this up – certain chiefs having a Native “sense” of things, as well as GPR (ground-penetrating radar), which itself does not prove there are bodies buried underground. The news cycle and cultural pressure surrounding these “unmarked graves” was so bad that in 2021, the nation cancelled Canada Day celebrations en masse.
But the narrative of “mass graves” was a massive lie based on what has been proven false several times over (watch this interview). In fact, based on recent findings (or, actually, lack thereof), 14 of these supposed mass graves have been excavated, and not a single body has been found (see here). Not a single one. Our Prime Minister demanded that Pope Francis apologize for all of the allegedly murdered Indigenous children buried in these unmarked graves. The legacy media has engaged in a two-year propaganda campaign, over what appear to be many lies and slander. Yet, Truth and Reconciliation Day was celebrated last week, and I witnessed many people draped in orange and wearing the slogan proudly, “Every Child Matters.”
No forgiveness means no reconciliation
Truth and Reconciliation Day is neither about truth nor about reconciliation. It is based on lies, supported by lies, and perpetuated by lies. It is also based on a Cultural Marxist system of Intersectionality and perpetual guilt. Essentially, Indigenous Canadians, the oppressed, are used as socio-political pawns by our elites and pitted against white Canadians, the oppressors. This conflict is designed to, in part, erode national pride and a national identity.
But it is actually much worse than even that. By continually bringing up these sins (many of which have been thoroughly falsified), Canadians are told they must carry a heavy weight of guilt on our shoulders in perpetuity. In this quasi-religious system, Canadians cannot and must not be forgiven for their past sins, even if no one alive committed them. We are always guilty, and we must offer a sacrifice of wearing orange shirts and repeating slogans every year to appease the god of the system.
A gross mutation
All of this sounds a lot like the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament. Once a year, the High Priest would go into the Holy of Holies and offer a sacrifice for the people for the forgiveness of their sins. This would keep the people in good standing with the Lord, or so they thought. You see, according to the Word of God, the blood of animals never paid for sins, but was both a reminder of their guilt and a sign of a future once-and-for-all atonement (Hebrews 9:11-14, 10:1-4).
Orange Shirt Day is a mutated version of what the Scriptures testify to be true, and by using Biblical language it can tug at people’s hearts and elicit the desired responses, which are guilt and shame. Humans know we are guilty of sins, and the Scriptures reveal this (Romans 1:18-23, 3:10-18). Humans also know that sins require confession, repentance, and penance. The National Day of Lies and Separation does nothing to appease our consciences in any lasting way, and it only serves to bury us under the weight of never-ending condemnation.
A REAL day of truth and reconciliation
It is against this orange backdrop of lies and guilt that the glory of the Gospel shines most excellently. Humans are guilty, and human sin must be paid for. But our good works, sloganeering, and uniform-wearing won’t save us. In fact, it will only further condemn us because even our good deeds are as filthy rags before a holy and sinless God (Isaiah 64:6). What we need is to know and believe the truth; what we need is to be truly reconciled to the God under whose wrath we sit.
The REAL truth is that Jesus, the God-man, lived a life of sinless obedience to the Law of God, He died a sacrificial death in our place absorbing the wrath of the Father, The Spirit of God powerfully raised Jesus from the dead for our justification, and Christ currently reigns as King over the Universe. It is by His grace alone and through faith alone that Jesus’ sinless righteousness is accredited to us, and only then are our sins paid for.
The REAL reconciliation is that we are now members of God’s family through faith in Jesus. The cosmic conflict between us and the Lord God almighty is over, and in Christ we have peace with God. No offerings are required. No more atonement is necessary. Guilt and shame have been dealt with. The stain of original sin has been thoroughly cleansed and removed. “Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace” (Ephesians 2:13-14a).
Don’t be taken captive by the lie that is Truth and Reconciliation Day. Don’t wear orange and repeat the slogan in the hopes that they will help you with your guilt. Understand the truth and reject the false narrative and propaganda. But even more than these, please, for the sake of your souls, cling to Christ as your only hope. If Jesus has saved you, then rest securely in the loving arms of your Good Shepherd, and don’t fall back into slavery to any man or ideology. If you have not bowed to King Jesus, throw yourself on His mercies and trust that He alone can pay for your sins and reconcile you back to God the Father.
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Thank you for this. Some denominations and missionary groups have put on a complete "Truth and Reconciliation" event.
Also, I see a link between the 'shirt days' and 'brown shirts' and 'black shirts' from the 1930s. Chilling to think of the indoctrination with 'shirt days'