Canadian politics is really heating up
Canadian Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland resigned just hours before she was to deliver the Fall Economic Update, in which the Liberal Government revealed that they had spent WAY beyond their budget targets. Shortly thereafter, Housing Minister Sean Fraser also resigned. Several Liberal Members of Parliament have called for the resignation of Justin Trudeau, building off of a letter sent by 23 such MPs just months ago calling for the Prime Minister to step down. NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has also called for Justin Trudeau to resign. NDP House Leader Peter Julian said the NDP would vote non-confidence in the government if Justin Trudeau does not resign come February or March. CTV News has said that sources confirm that Justin Trudeau is considering resigning. It’s an exciting time to be a political analyst and/or pundit in Canada.
For anyone who has either forgotten or been living under a rock between 2020 and 2023, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland exemplify petty tyranny and a blatant disregard for both the well-being of citizens and the law of the land. They are the epitome of corrupt and evil politicians, and they are as inept and unqualified elected civil magistrates as I have ever seen. None of what I have just said is hyperbole – if anything it’s a slight understatement.
Chrystia Freeland spearheaded the freezing of bank accounts and assets for people who donated any money to the Freedom Convoy in 2022. There are actually videos of her grinning gleefully at the idea of free Canadian citizens being rendered incapable of paying their mortgage and rent because they dared to support a dissenting movement on protected soil. She has also increased the amount of taxes a person pays when they sell their house or die and leave wealth and capital to their children and grandchildren. She has said, with steadfast conviction, that the “Canadian way” entails citizens doing nothing to help one another while relying on the State to care for us like it’s our mother.
Justin Trudeau has governed Canada for nine years filled with lies, deception, intentionally divisive rhetoric, slander, threats, and a Fascistic-totalitarian agenda. He said unjabbed people don’t deserve to board planes. He said those who oppose jab mandates are racist, sexist, misogynist, and anti-science. He said those who believe in medical freedom are unCanadian. He has plunged our country into near-economic ruin. He has increased the murder of pre-born babies, sodomite unions, and gender-destroying care among children. He has run a greater deficit than every previous Canadian Prime Minister in history combined. He is quite possibly the worst head-of-state in a Western nation since World War II, and if you exclude Hitler and Mussolini, he just might be the worst ever.
The anatomy of a tyrant
Leaders who rule as Trudeau and Freeland have long existed in our world. They employ similar tactics and seek to accomplish similar goals, and leave a wake of economic, cultural, political, and societal carnage behind them. They label dissenters as villains and enemies of democracy. They are masters of the Motte and Bailey, a way of furthering one’s agenda but making it seem like they are doing something altogether different. They are devout practitioners of the Woke Law of Iron Projection, which is accusing a person or group of persons of doing the very thing they’re are doing.
Tyrants rule this way because they know their ideas will not be accepted by the population, at least not if their ideas are given full venting. If you campaign on the promises that you will destabilize the economy driving our nation to depend on a global currency, that you will legalize different kinds of murder in order to save money and reduce the population, that you will enact Communistic climate policies that will devastate people’s livelihoods, and that you hate, with a pure hatred, both Christ and those who identify with Him, you won’t be winning an election in Canada, at least not in 2024.
Tyrants are consumed with an insatiable desire for more money, more power, and more control over other people. No opposition can be tolerated. Any non-conformists must be crushed in any and every way possible, whether it be taking their money and possessions, putting them in prison, destroying their social standing, or even pummeling them into self-censorship. People like Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are tyrants. Do they rule the way other historic tyrants have ruled? Maybe not, but it’s not for lack of trying. The only thing that stopped them from being the next Mao Zedong is the cultural capitol that Biblical Christianity has established in Canada, enabling Canadians to reject total tyrannical rule.
The saving rule of the newborn King
Herod was one such tyrant. He demanded that people honour him and revere him as the great king in Israel. When his rule was threatened with rumors of a new King on the block (Matthew 2:3), he sent visiting astrologers to report back with the location of this infant monarch, that he might slaughter this baby (Matthew 2:7-8). When that didn’t work out, Herod decided to target and murder every single male child under the age of two (Matthew 2:16). Apparently, there have always been civil governments that, in their murderous bloodlust, seek to snuff out innocent baby life for their own benefit.
However, despite his best efforts, Herod failed rather fabulously. The astrologers were warned in a dream by God and decided to head home another way (Matthew 2:12). Joseph was also warned in a dream by God to flee to Egypt before Herod’s massacre of baby boys (Matthew 2:13-15). The Lord appeared to Joseph in another dream letting him know that it was safe to go back to Israel (Matthew 2:19-20). God sovereignly directed the events regarding the birth of Christ in order to both thwart Herod and protect an otherwise helpless Jesus.
Advent reminds us that despite the best efforts of petty tyrants and evil civil leaders, the Lord will most certainly accomplish all of His good purposes. “The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will” (Proverbs 21:1). “He pours contempt on princes and loosens the belt of the strong. He uncovers the deeps out of darkness and brings deep darkness to light. He makes nations great, and he destroys them; he enlarges nations, and leads them away. He takes away understanding from the chiefs of the people of the earth and makes them wander in a trackless waste. They grope in the dark without light, and he makes them stagger like a drunken man” (Job 12:21-25). “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might. He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:20-21).
The Lord’s providential care of the newborn King Jesus assures us that God will do whatever He pleases, and no one can thwart His purposes (Job 42:2). God is never caught off guard, and He is never reacting to evil in shock and desperation. He guides history and human activity to accomplish His eternal decree. Nothing will happen to His people apart from what He has ordained. Tyrants are not in control. Justin Trudeau is not in control. Chrystia Freeland was not in control. At Christmas time we celebrate a God who cares for His people, even as wicked rulers come against the Bride of Christ. The Beast might always seek to make war with the saints (Revelation 13:7), but, “they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death” (Revelation 12:11).
There is a hymn (one of my favorites) that is not normally sung at Christmas time, but one particular stanza is quite fitting. “Praise to the Lord who, when darkness of sin is abounding. Who, when the wicked do prosper, all wisdom confounding. Sheddeth His light, chaseth the horrors of night. Saints with His mercy surrounding.”
I can't remember if you've written about this, but I don't think it's by accident Trudeau is part of the World Economic Forum.
You may want to see what they have in store for humanity.