From goo to you
According to the theory of evolution, from a single-celled organism, a common ancestor, and through a process spanning billions of years, we now have all of the diversity in all living things. This long process includes species of organisms experiencing genetic mutations that prove to be so beneficial to the species that they outlast and even snuff out competing organisms. This process is undirected, and ultimately, only the strongest and best adapted organisms survive and continue to reproduce. There are three unavoidable philosophical and logical consequences of this theory, if it is true:
All life and existence are devoid of meaning, purpose, and inherent worth.
There is no objective standard for morality, and no way to ultimately determine what is absolutely right or absolutely wrong.
There is no meaningful foundation for virtues such as love, mercy, and compassion.
You may be thinking, “Does Andrew believe in and support Evolutionary Theory?” No. I categorically and unequivocally reject Evolutionary Theory and all of its beliefs and logical consequences. I reject it for scientific reasons (here) as well as Biblical reasons. The point of this post is to say that one of the things that has been revealed during the COVID era is that many if not most of the people who hold to Darwinian evolution do not themselves actually believe in the theory or it’s logical and philosophical consequences.
Betrayed by evidence
According to a recent study in the National Library of Medicine (here), the worldwide median Infection Fatality Rate for COVID for people ages 0-69 was 0.095%. This means that, on average, people have a 99.905% chance of not dying from COVID. This also means that well under 1% of the people in the world who got COVID died from it. Evolutionary Theory would tell us that the less than 1% of people who die from COVID represent a weaker portion of the population, under-evolved and ill-equipped to deal with a virus. Therefore, it is better if they die from the virus, so as to not let their weaker immune systems be handed down to future generations.
However, people who hold to Evolutionary Theory did not think this way. We were told we had to do everything in our power to protect and care for the more vulnerable and immunocompromised. We shut down businesses, harmed our economy, and embraced strict lockdowns; anything to protect weaker among us. This flew directly in the face of what was best for our species, according to Evolutionary Theory.
We were being told that we had to band together as a population, and that it was our duty to help and protect one another. We were morally obligated to “slow the spread” and “stay safe.” However, morality has no real foundation if all we are is the product of billions of years of undirected, purposeless, and unintelligent processes. Nothing is truly right or wrong. All that matters is what is best for the continuation of our species.
Regarding the more vulnerable segments of our population and them not getting infected and dying, it was incumbent upon us to exercise virtues such as selflessness, sacrifice, compassion, mercy, and humility. However, according to Evolutionary Theory, all of these virtues are merely chemical reactions produced in our evolved brains. I have no obligation to anyone else, only the safety and survival of my species. Why would I stop the death of the weaker members of our species? That means only the strong are left to survive and propagate.
Deconstructing Darwinians
I mention all of these arguments to point out what I hope is painfully obvious at this point, and that is a monumental inconsistency between the tenets of a certain worldview (evolution) and the practical outworking of a society dealing with a virus and how we were “required” to respond to it. But why? Why the inconsistencies? Why the calls for love, mercy, compassion, and sacrifice on behalf of the weak and vulnerable? Why the moral obligation to help those who need help? Why not let the genetically inferior simply die out?
The answer is quite simple, and yet quite controversial: people don’t actually believe in Evolutionary Theory. They do not believe we are the products of a meaningless, undirected, and purely materialistic process. They do not believe that we all evolved from a single-celled organism. They do not believe we are bags of carbon and chemicals, slightly more developed than fish. What people DO believe, even if they deny it consciously, is that there is a God, and that He has created people who bear His image. As such, all people have dignity and value, and we are morally obligated to love and care for one another. This, by the way, is exactly what the Bible says (Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:18-23).
By what standard
During this pandemic, people were treating one another as if they affirmed God’s creation, not as if they denied it. People have been living as though they believe God has confirmed the value of human life, not as though they deny it. The revelation is that Darwinian Evolutionists are false-professors, and they don’t actually believe what they say they believe. In fact, COVID has made them apostates to their belief systems, because they have denied the meaninglessness associated of Evolutionary Theory and have embraced the worth and dignity of life and all people.
So, what should followers of Jesus and believers of the Bible do in response to this revelation? Well, we must affirm the truth that many people are also affirming, that we must show love and compassion to others, and that we are obligated to protect the weaker ones among us. However, we must clearly ground that truth upon God’s revealed Word, and not on societal customs. Life is valuable because God has created life. Humans are worthy of dignity because they have been made in the image of God. We must point people to the Gospel and the truth that all of human history is being directed by God’s purposes in redemption, and not by a blind evolutionary process. We must expose their false profession and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.
You have answered my question about how we came to be with such irrefutable logic that goes beyond common sense to the point that we are all people of faith whether we want to admit it or not. Bravo !