Well said. I see a RAWBLE (red avatar with blue laser eyes) and can eerily predict that I will find him promoting some repellent anti-gospel ideology, and sitting in the place of the scoffer over any of his elders who points it out.

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The uncharitable and disrespectful attitude toward older saints who point this stuff out is atrocious.

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I’m glad you referenced Rich Lusk in there. I’ve found him to engage with a lot of the wild in a nuanced, but principled manner.

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I found his entire article helpful.

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A fine, non-hyperventilating analysis. Bravo.

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Thanks Dr. Sandlin.

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Yeah, kids these days! If it wasn't for us Boomers taking our turn at the church tiller, these kids wouldn't have abortion on demand, no fault divorce, same sex marriage, and all the new genders. Ungrateful ruffians! I'm so glad you smeared their anti-feminist movement as being like believing in a flat earth. Now they'll be so ashamed that they'll come back to church to finish their emasculation training, I reckon. Remember to teach them to "resist not evil" that's a real key to them becoming beta males who will tolerate all manner of lawlessness on their watch too.

Remember that time Jesus helped an adulteress to cuckold her husband and get off scot-free? Red-pill kids question if the passage is apocryphal. But having Jesus deny that husband the justice of His father's law and condemn him to sloppy seconds sure fits in better with the rest of our Boomer message of hearkening unto women, who can do no wrong. Even when women commit adultery, Jesus just waves it away and condemns those men who were there to carry out the law, thereby establishing himself as the son of lawlessness. A favorite passage of ours, for sure.

We really should emphasize that if Jesus forgave her instead of letting her be executed, that means her husband was made to endure cuckoldry by Jesus, and if men want to be good Christians they should all want to demonstrate how willingly they'll become cuckolds for Christ too. And let their wives know of their holy willingness to be cuckolded too. She's the image of our goddess don't cha know. (1 Cor. 11:7)

These kids and their internet "proof" that John 7:53–8:11 is apocryphal are just crazy. Some of them even question the validity of the "longer ending of Mark" where it says that if we really have the Holy Spirit, we can handle venomous snakes and drink poison. What fools! I drink poison every day. It calms my nerves as I pet my rattlesnake. How dare they try to throw out what the Mother of Harlots added. We are her daughter churches, and we've got to stick up for our mom's words. After all, it was she who taught us to commit immorality with the powers of this world.

Can't they see how we've got everything on the right track now, how we're winning the culture war each day, and how we, the most churched nation ever, are now exporting Feminism, gay pride, and transgenderism to Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim, nations? How dare they question whether we are apostate harlots like our mother.

How dare those Red-Pilled kids leave the Feminist plantation! I'll have my female preacher give them a piece of her mind! And this article calling them overblown conspiracy theorists has convinced me of just how right we Boomers always are. Thank you for not delving too seriously into their icky patriarchal beliefs. It is far better if we just call them "conspiracy theorists" and ignore their real beliefs. It is only right that we Boomers should feel peachy keen about how we are leaving things and make every attempt to not let these red-pilled kids tamper with all the fine fruits of our sexual revolution.

You sure gave those uncharitable and disrespectful kids a good earful. Hi-diddly-ho, Neighborino!

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