Remembering the injustice
This year Canada celebrated a rather ghoulish anniversary. On February 6th, 2015, in a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the provision against assisted suicide in the Criminal Code, giving Canadian adults who are “mentally competent and suffering intolerably and enduringly the right to a doctor's assistance in dying.” The Court argued that a person’s ability to kill themselves was protected by the Charter, primarily their Section 7 rights to life, liberty, and security of the person. The irony of legally ending your life being a right to life one must protect should not be lost on any of us.
This decision opened the door to what has become the fourth leading cause of death in Canada each year. What was said to be a limited option for people who are very old and very sick has become an accepted way to end your life if you are homeless or very depressed. In 2023, 4.7% of all deaths in Canada were the result of doctor-assisted murder, representing over 15,000 deaths. That increase, since these murders were tallied in 2019, was a consistent 35% year-over-year increase. Canada is either quickly becoming, or might currently be, the doctor-assisted murder capital of the world.
In fact, the Government of Canada plans on expanding the scope of these murders in March 2027, allowing any adult to legally kill themselves for the sole reason of mental illness, which is obviously vaguely defined. When you combine this with the senseless murder of pre-born babies, and the butchery of child genital mutilation commonly called gender-affirming care, Canada has a tremendous amount of blood on its hands, and it doesn’t look like our nation plans on washing off that red stain any time soon.
Restoring the Imago Dei
Why does our country so flippantly end human life? Why are we so cold and calloused in the snuffing out of innocent Canadians of all ages and levels of development? The overarching answer is quite simple – we have utterly rejected God and His Word. To reject the God of life is to embrace a cult of death. To reject the God of peace is to embrace a world of chaos. To reject the God who holds everything together is to embrace a violence that tears everything apart.
I want to dig a little deeper into this. What specifically is being rejected about God and His Word? We read the following in Genesis 1:26-27:
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Two things. First, to be made in His image is to share in His communicable attributes – those qualities of God that can also be seen, in limited capacity, in people. God is the source of love, the giver of all life, and the creator of all things. Humans can show love, give life, and create beautiful things. God has a mind, makes intentional decisions, and can reason, and humans can also do all of these.
Second, being made in God’s image means that we are supposed to “look” like him to the world around us. For example, if I create a statue of myself, the degree to which it accurately looks like me shows how effectively it bears my image. People should look at the statue and say, “Wow, that really looks just like Andrew.” When people look at a follower of Jesus, they should say, “Wow, he really looks like Jesus. His character and actions are so similar to that of his Maker.”
These two realities combined comprise what theologians have called the “Imago Dei,” or, being made in God’s image. My contention is that our current disregard for the value and sanctity of human life at every stage is born out of both a rejection of and replacement of the Imago Dei with a completely different anthropology, or study of human beings.
From the Beagle and birds to the brutality of bodies
Charles Darwin ventured to the Galapagos Islands aboard the HMS Beagle in what would become a pivotal moment, both in his life and in the broader Western world for centuries to come. By looking at the same species of bird – finches – and how it’s beak size and colour were different as a result of adaptation, Darwin popularized the theory (I would say fairy tale), that, through a long and undirected process of organisms mutating, having preferable mutations lead to the strength and survival of certain organisms within a given species over other ones within the same species, all biological life on earth can be traced back to a common and singular organism. (It’s an oversimplification, but we don’t have time to get too deep into it.)
This fantastical theory excised from human beings four things that had been long-accepted in the broader Western world, and which were affirmed in the Word of God and His people for millennia:
1. Human beings have been intentionally designed by God
2. Human beings have intrinsic value and dignity
3. Human beings have a God-ordained purpose
4. Human beings bear the image of God
Darwin’s magical tale of macroevolution replaced this anthropological quartet with another one:
1. Human beings are an accidental product of chance and time
2. Human beings have no intrinsic value or worth
3. Human beings have no objective or universal purpose
4. Human beings have no connection to Divinity, because there is no God
Why shouldn’t monkeys act like monkeys
The monumental and detrimental consequences of this new anthropology cannot be overstated. Basically, if humans are just highly evolved animals, then ultimately our worth and behavior is that of an animal, albeit a more civilized one. If you tell people they are monkeys, you shouldn’t be surprised when they act like monkeys. And friends, humans have opted instead to act significantly worse than monkeys.
If I have no meaning and no purpose, and if I am ontologically no better than any other creature, that justifies any and every activity, because there is also no moral Law directing my actions and behaviour. Everything is now up for grabs, so to speak, and no practice, no matter how vile, can be consistently disparaged. After all, we’re just bags of carbon filled mostly with water, aren’t we?
This worldview allows me to do whatever I want to my body. I am free to consume whatever I want. I am free to alter and “edit” my body however I desire. I can engage in whatever sexual circumstance I lust for. No experience, no matter how taboo in society, is off-limits for a highly-evolved primate. This also extends beyond myself. Why should I respect and value other monkey-people? If I am stronger, why shouldn’t I be able to impose my will on them? They too have no meaning, no purpose, no value, and if they are in the way of my pleasure, I should be able to do to them whatever is necessary to make me happy.
Let’s put a finer point on it. This new anthropology is why our culture has accepted, and now even celebrates, every form of vile practice imaginable. Sodomy in all of its forms has been accepted. More people are openly pushing for the acceptance of pedophilia, incest, and bestiality. Polygamy is standard practice for “high-value men.” Gender-destroying procedures are paid for with our tax dollars. Killing pre-born babies, who are just lesser-developed forms of highly-evolved monkeys, is called a human right for women (even though highly-evolved bags of carbon don’t have inherent rights).
A new Eugenics
Treating human beings as science experiments, or as test subjects to satisfy our technological inquiry, is an idea that has grown out of the soil of Darwinian Evolution. It is no surprise that Adolf Hitler, who oversaw and sanctioned the most grotesque experiments on Jewish people during World War II, was a staunch proponent of Darwinian Evolution. The same goes for Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest murderer of pre-born babies in the world. If we can mess around with plants to get better medicines, and if we can mess around with small animals to cure diseases, why shouldn’t we be able to mess around with humans to get, well, better humans?
Part of Eugenics involves determining which humans are biologically superior, or preferable, to other ones. If we can identify these traits, says the Eugenicist, we can copy that trait and reproduce it in other humans, specifically the pre-born ones. If a person carries several of these unfavorable traits, they can be experimented on and eventually discarded. If a person is older and no longer “useful” in society, why not try out some specific medication to end their life and use them as tests subjects to expand your State-sponsored murder campaign?
This is what is happening with Canada’s doctor-assisted murder campaign. What the Medical Industrial Complex is saying is that people who are too old, too sick, or too mentally unwell are ultimately weaker and must be experimented upon and snuffed out. Why? Several reasons. Some might say the existence of these “undesirables” is a drain on our economy because of the money required to keep them alive. Others might suggest that the last thing we want is for these people to either reproduce sexually or pass on their unfavorable thoughts and ideas to anyone else, especially if they happen to be Christian and conservative.
REALLY pro-life
Our response to all of this is to be pro-life, and by pro-life I do not mean squishy Evangellifish that feign a care for all humans while weighing justice against funding and self-preservation. I mean the kind of pro-life that advocates for laws which esteem highly the value of human life, including support for execution of anyone who takes another innocent human life. I mean the kind of pro-life that pursues adoption when possible and rejoices when the Lord provides large families. I mean the kind of pro-life that values grand-parents and treats them with dignity, exalting them as the Lord commands us to.
If we can teach our children how to truly fight for the protection and dignity of all human beings, we might be able to see, by God’s grace, a cultural turnaround in the future that will bring with it righteous laws and righteous law-makers. Imagine the kind of blessing we can be on our country if we reject Darwin’s ideas and treat every human as a valuable bearer of God’s image. Imagine what the next generation of Christ-followers will look like if they establish, from an early age, the importance of the Imago Dei in every human, from being one week old after conception, to being one hundred years and one week old.
Listen, lest anyone fool you into thinking otherwise, we are in the throws of a world-wide and deeply spiritual war. Satan is doing everything in his power to mar the image of God in people (I’ve written about that here and here). Those who do his bidding are the kind of people the Prophet Isaiah talked about:
“Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths; they have made their roads crooked; no one who treads on them knows peace” – Isaiah 59:7-8
It’s time to leave basecamp and get in the fight. This is quite literally a matter of life and death!
You are one of the very few pastors standing up to eugenics. Why is that? They should be united.
Andrew, I am one of the Ontario Party candidates.
Pray for me, brother.
You are one of the very few pastors standing up to eugenics. Why is that? They should be united.
Andrew, I am one of the Ontario Party candidates.
Pray for me, brother.