Hi Andrew,

Just read about you in the CHP newsletter...

WOW! Loved this article.

Loved this excerpt from your article:

"I find this attitude rude, arrogant, and extremely condescending. To suggest that I have not thought deeply about my beliefs and how they fit with my Christian life is insulting and unbecoming of a Christian brother."

I was at a recent political event. At the event I spoke with a former pastor. I asked him for a coffee so we could discuss ways to best explain to believers the Biblical truths and proofs that we are obligated to be engaged in the political space. He immediately went into a diatribe on how we need to "follow the leading of the Holy Spirit" and "you don't know what is in people's heart". He also went on to warn me about making judgements of other people. LOL It would have been hilarious if is wasn't so dangerous. He was warning me about "making judgements" while at the very same time castigating me for beliefs he had not even listened long enough to find out if I actually had those beliefs!

He further went on to defend the promotion of homosexuality in churches to bolster his argument - a topic that I had not even brought up.

Side note: Jesus loves homosexuals and died for them, however He did not condone it or promote it

If the government wants to build a road - that is a political issue - that is their sphere.

If the government wants to teach my child transgenderism - that is a moral issue and the government is out of its jurisdiction in its attempts to do so.

Lamentations 3:35 says "They deprived the people of their GOD given rights, in defiance of the Most High." This verse lays out that human rights come from God - not government. Secondly, this verse confirms that any government that deprives people of their God given rights are in defiance of God Himself.

Our Bible records the different expressions of the character of Jesus. I know this is not "theological" but I say this way: "there is Care Bear Jesus" and there is Table flipping Jesus". So my question to believers is "when is it time for table flipping Jesus?" NEVER! They shout.

That is a god made in their own image and is no Jesus at all.

Yes, Jesus only flipped tables twice. He did however on a regular basis call the political leaders, snakes vipers sons of hell and told them they were of the father the devil.

I'm not suggesting running around flipping tables all the time, but I am saying there is a place for it.

How that is done and what that looks like in practical application is a different discussion.

The point is is there is a time to flip tables, and those who claim otherwise are refusing to accept the parts of Jesus they don't like. That's not how this works.

Anyway, I have written a 50 page thesis on this and won't keep going 😁🙏

All this to say that I loved your article, and what you shared is the important discussions we need to have to wake up the church to what is happening around them. With Love and Grace.

Paul said in 2 Corinthians 11:19 "...who does not get led astray and I do not burn with anger?'

Appreciate all the love and gentleness - with firmness - in your post. SO good 😀🙏



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Well said Andrew, I very much agree with your article. Excellent quote at the end too!

I can also relate to the "cage stage", having gone through it a few years ago. It grieves me to see that brothers are being alienated from one another over attitudes regarding distinctives. I believe a better approach would yield more fruit, even where these differences persist.

A verse that comes to mind is:

"The heart of the wise makes his speech judicious and adds persuasiveness to his lips."

— Proverbs 16:23

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I am hoping that our Red-Pilled brothers will realize the harm they are doing so that we can let them out of the cage.

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Thank you for this!

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Very Helpful Andrew. Thank you for making this so plain to understand. . God opens up a whole new

ability to discern when we take God at his Word, completely.

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I'm glad to have been helpful.

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What a great thoughtful post dear brother. So often we do not take the whole counsel of God into account and end up in either ditch on the road of truth. How can we be arrogant over our new understanding in finding the truth on any given subject, when we only progress as God wills?

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It is ironic that people who extol the grace of God can be rather graceless.

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