Similar developments are occurring in the United States. The antisemitism bill already has been passed here and agree that much of it is aimed at Christians. While I’ve also asked the question where to go, I get the sense that as Christians we are to stand up rather than to flee. We’re going to have to get used to the idea that faith will come at a cost similar to what was seen with the apostles in Acts 5:17-42. I continue to pray that God will prepare us for what is to come.

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You're correct in that there is no escaping this cultural behemoth.

The most important thing is not where we fight, but with whom we fight. I would take a rock-solid Christian community anywhere over Evangellifish deep in the heart of Texas.

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Canada is "killing them slowly" with everything that restricts, censors, controls, and hurts. While other global-fixated countries are committing the same slow death on its people as well, including what the US did to its people these past 4 years, it seems that Canada is completely and with malice aforethought rabidly destroying its people completely. It's a crime against humanity. The demons are today's leaders - how did that happen??

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The church disengaged from culture and politics, and we kept casting pragmatic votes for compromised "conservatives."

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We are in a time in history when evil is trying to push the envelope. The push back is super important. I have found that most of the wacky and egregious are fronted by UN and WEF policies. Funny that, since we are all under God's rule and not men's rules. It is time stand tall, say no and follow God's rules for his people. It is an ongoing spiritual war intended to turn people away from God. It is aimed to dissolve the family and communities. I am saying no to totalitarianism and yes to God.

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Thinking locally is the way forward.

Christian communities.

Parallel economies.

Close geographic proximity.

We battle globalism with localism.

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The second bill you spoke of is bill c-18 not bill c-21.

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Yes, that's correct. That's what I meant, but accidentally put C-21 twice. Thanks for catching that. I have changed it.

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